
Legal information

Headquarters: 6 rue Lounes Matoub 93300 Aubervilliers.

Siret : 490 537 420 00013

The managing board

The board of 3 to 12 members, who are elected for a 5-year term of office by the Association’s General Assembly, manages the association.

The Board then elects its President, treasurer and secretary, and one or more vice-presidents.

The monitoring committee

In order to ensure the right usage of financing, 3 members may be elected for a 5-year term by the General Assembly, to be appointed as monitoring committee members. They are entitled to act as external auditors and only report to the General Assembly. They are required to deliver an annual report. They may issue alert at their discretion..

Association’s members

– Honorary members may be appointed by the board in view of service rendered.

– Ex officio members are identified donors, for a 1-year term following payment.